The dangers of successful Inbound Marketing
The essense of Inbound Marketing is simple: focus on customers not on
your business. Want to attract buyers to your landscaping business? Write an
honest and open article about "10 Things You Should Know About Landscapers
Before You Hire One," or "The Best Maintenance-free Plants for Your Yard," or
"Tips for a Lush Lawn."
If the information you share is of real value, it will be picked up by Search Engines and shared through social media until you suddenly have lots of folks who not only know the name of your company, but think of it in very positive terms. Another Inbound Marketing success story, right?
But what if one of your content pieces is so extraordinarily successful it overwhelms your ability to respond to leads? When a prospect reaches out to you, but then doesn't hear back from you for a month, your Inbound Marketing program will achieve the opposite result you wanted. It will quickly give you a reputation for poor customer service.
That's one of the dangers of Inbound Marketing. You never know when you will have a hit on your hands!
That's where Voicent Live comes in. You can use its automated communication tools in traditional "push marketing," such as telemarketing or email campaigns, and you can also use its automation capabilities in "pull," or Inbound Marketing, to effortlessly respond to limitless numbers of information requests--by phone, email, over the web or even by SMS text--automatically, around-the-clock and with no human intervention required.
Voicent Live's workflow automation capabilities enable you to easily
create sophisticated systems to execute lead nurturing programs, manage
information-on-demand programs, trigger up-sell offers or maintenance
offers, all without having to depend on your staff to track or remember
anything or have the time available to actually do it.
Designed for simplicity and ease-of-use
It's such an extraordinary thing, it may strike you as difficult to believe. After all, automated communication capabilities of such precision, flexibility and scalability have always been limited to the world's largest corporations. Thanks to the integration of voice, web, email and SMS technologies--integration that Voicent has helped lead over the past decade--these powerful capabilities are available to even the smallest businesses.
Start slow, then grow
Voicent Live's remarkable tool integration lets you gradually add capabilities and capacity. You can start with a single tool, then methodically build business processes and capabilities until you get where you need to be, even if that's a full-blown, omni-channel, world-class contact center. Voicent Live has everything you need to grow your business.